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  • Writer's pictureKatie Knightley

Coffee Chat - Feeling Overwhelmed

Updated: Oct 10, 2020

Growing our author platform takes a lot of work, it's basically a second job.

From filming, editing, and posting our YouTube videos, taking pictures for Instagram, posting clever things to twitter, and writing blogs and member freebies for our website, it's a lot.

And on top of that, we need to comment, like, and share others' posts to be a member of the community and make friends.

PLUS we work, go to school, have families, a life, etc that we're trying to fit our author things around.

Que feeling overwhelmed.

I'd love to hear your thoughts on the topic!

I also wanted to share with you my two posts about scheduling to make your life easier and lessen the feeling of stress and overwhelm.

In my Scheduling blog, I share that we need to prioritize our goals & utilize our spare time. I have a member's only scheduling worksheet and template to help, so sign up if you're not a member!

After that, check out my Posting Consistently blog, which talks about scheduling your posts in bulk to make your life easier!


For more helpful tips, check out my YouTube Channel.

And get member access, freebies, and updates by signing up for my newsletter!

By signing up you'll get access to my scheduling template & we'll go through times & goals that work for you!


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