Need help getting ready for NaNoWriMo? The Preptober calendar is here to help you whether you're a plotter, pantser, or plantser. Track your writing progress with the November calendar and have content ideas to post on social media. The calendars can be used any year, the days are simply numbered for tracking.
The age you're writing will impact your word count, so don't stress if your Middle Grade book doesn't reach 50k, instead focus on finishing a first draft!
Your Young Adult or Adult story will go beyond 50k words, but that's a great start for 1 month. Keep writing in December to finish that draft!
Even if you're a NaNo rebel these calendars might still be useful ;)

In the October (Preptober) calendar you'll find daily to-dos for setting yourself up for success in November's NaNoWriMo.
In the November calendar you'll find a word tracker to keep on pace for 50k words. (Good luck winning NaNoWriMo!)
In the Content Ideas calendar, you'll find daily posting ideas for your social media accounts to gain accountability, followers, writing buddies, etc. Don't forget to use hashtags!
Batch photos ahead of time for easy posting along with the content ideas.
Get your copy of the calendars here.
Message me via email or on social media if you have any questions or suggestions for these calendars.
Head over to the Writing Resources page to get:
Save the Cat Beat Sheet
Romancing the Beat Sheet
Story Structure (Outline) Mashup!
Fillable scene cards
How to Win NaNoWriMo Tips & Tricks
And more!
In October's calendar I have a day for finding your character's voice. Click here to read more about that in a blog post and get inspired with writing prompts.
Other helpful blogs: Choosing Your Outline Method, Contemporary World Building, List of Themes, List of Tropes, List of Subplots, Writing Craft Book Tips, and Notion for Writers.
On the Writing Resources page, you'll find writing resources for how to write 50k words in a month and win NaNoWriMo.